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Greetings an Salutations!

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  • Why hello there.
    I am Dave.
    Life long county supporter.
    Not lived in Stockport for 20 years.
    I live just up that big hill and over the border into West Yorkshire, Huddersfield.
    I’m a 5 min drive away from the John Smiths 😆
    Roll on boxing day 😆

    Honestly, I had a good think about joining and after weighing it up I’ve joined (@TFR even though I said 100% I wouldn’t)
    I still think the data collection policy is utter paff, but I’ll live with it.

    Anyway Up the Hatters

  • Welcome to the forum Dave, thanks for joining, it’s just over a week old so there’s plenty more to come yet.

    Hopefully you manage to get a ticket in the away end, or the home given your post code 😉.

  • Hi all!

    New Members
    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks 🙂

  • Hi,All county fans,

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    4 Posts

    @countyblu46 I can see us either just missing out on them or just sneaking in them on the last day.

    Hopefully we’ll be strong enough to really compete once we have a fully fit squad and plenty of competition.

  • Hello

    New Members
    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @admin said in Hello:

    Welcome aboard @BlueArmy!

    Enjoy the ride 👍🏻.

    Thank you.

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